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A Christian peer support group for people with mood disorders

About Us

BPAC Living Room

Living Room is a peer run, Christ inspired support group for people with mood disorders, that was first created at Brentwood Park Alliance Church (BPAC). Our goal is to provide a safe environment for people to share their experiences and to feel truly heard and accepted by one another, following God's example of loving us as we are.


Fellowship, prayer and bible study are the foundation we stand on, in supporting one another in our personal journey to mental health and deepening our relationship with God.


The goal of this website is to reach out to people who would like to attend a meeting and provide additional information (devotionals, videos, recipes and resource links) to help each person along their path to mental health.


Since its inception, other Living Room support meetings have developed at other sites, and their contact information will be listed under the Meetings page. You can inquire directly about the specifics of what each of these groups provides. 



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At the BPAC Living Room meetings, we provide the following: 


  1. Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month except for August 

  2. Casual potlucks to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter 

  3. Regular meetings include lunch, a devotional bible study, worship song, and a sharing time, when people are welcome to talk about their experiences and to ask for specific prayer support, which we are invited to provide for one another. 


To facilitate a safe environment, there are some specific rules that we each agree to follow to the best of our ability:


Don’t interrupt – we understand that interruptions to a share can be detrimental to the process and to one’s self-esteem. 


Share speaking time – we want everyone to have a chance to feel heard and supported. 


No advising – as a peer support group, we agree that each person has their own path to follow, between themselves, their medical professionals and God. We believe that hearing and praying for one another without judgement provides an amazing healing environment we are privileged to be a part of.   


Confidentiality – we promise to share only our own stories and the devotionals as we feel led. Each person’s story is their own, and not ours to tell. Likewise, all attendees' names and personal information is confidential. 


Mutual Respect – we will respect individual cultures and perspectives. We will respect each other’s boundaries and bodies. Any angry outbursts will be taken outside the meeting. Any reminders of these rules will be delivered gently. We commit to being a safe space for everyone. 

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Generational Guilt

We discussed last meeting the topic of living free in Christ when it comes to feeling personal guilt, and the topic was raised about...

Living Free In Christ

While listening to our church sermon last Sunday, I pondered on the effects of guilt and shame. We were looking at the prodigal son...

Boundaries to Build Healthy Relationships

One of the things that can be particularly difficult to achieve as people with mood disorders, is a healthy relationship. There’s a lot...

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